Friday, March 13, 2009

Sporting Marvels

I was first introduced to Sporting marvels five years ago. Three men showed a media preesentation in my office of a vision that was then only embyonic. What I saw was one of the most moving evangelistic opportunities I have ever witnessed. The three who came to Cheltenham were John Bullock (seee last posting) and two men who were top rugby proffessionals in Wales, Phil Davies and Clive Jones who are members of Porth Elim church

I was to learn of young sports mentors who would work in schools as role models and committed Christians with a specific goal of reaching the towns and villages of the Rhondda valley.

The purpose of my visit was to minister to the team members who have come to the Rhondda from all over the world. I met people from Tanzania, South Africa, Nigeria and the USA - as well as members from the Rhondda itself. The ministry is based out of Porth Elim but embraces other churches throughout the area. To learn more about this amazing ministry visit

1 comment:

Chris Mercer said...

This is a great work I'm at college with Debbie..:))