Thursday, November 10, 2011

Elim - Paisley

Its always a delight to be back in Scotland given that fourteen years of our ministry was in that country both as pastor and as Regional Leader.

My earliest memories of Paisely was of a congregation of around seventy people.  Today it is three tims that size with two morning services to accomodate the continued growth.

Wherever I travel on a Sunday there are two things that I value.  The first is visiting and ministering at one of our churches and the the other is spending time with the pastor and his family. 

This was especially true with regard to my time with Tom and Jennifer Paton and their family each of whom are fully involved in the local church.  Few things give more thrilling than seeing young adults, that you have known since they were first born, who are totally committed to serving God.

Back row left to right, Callum, Tom, Euan, Neil.  Front row Jennifer, Hannah, Kathryn (Callum's wife).

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