Monday, October 20, 2008


The idea for a new complex in Eastbourne first began in the mind of John Lancaster. The minister who followed him was Glyn Taylor who put a great deal of effort during his time into conceptualising and planning for the future development. But it was not until Keith Jackson became the pastor that things really took shape, During the opening ceremony, that was attended by Elims regional leader David Campbell, the Lord Mayor and a number of dignatories from the county council, tribute was made to the tenacity of Keith in seeing the concept right through to completion. Apart from the sanctuary area and offices the complex consists of several floors of apartments which are in the process of being sold. Adjacent to the stone that commemorated my opening of the buildind is a replica of the foundation stone of Elim building that was originally on the site and which was laid by George Jeffries the founder of the Elim Movement. I therefore took as my theme for the message the Four Square gospel that was the early tenets of Elim's message - Jesus as Saviour, Healer, Baptiser in the Holy Spirit and Coming King.

1 comment:

Pastor Keith Jackson said...

Hi John,
Thanks for coming to the opening - it was great.
Just a quick thing, the stone referred to a replica in the blog is actually the orininal stone that has been refurbished.
Trust you and Marilyn are well.