Thursday, February 19, 2009

Greenock City Church

There are two fine Elim churches in Greenock, Scotland. I visited the one in Kelly Street twelve months ago and, on this occasion, was at the City church that currently meets at the new Waterfront centre on the banks of the Clyde.

The church was founded by David Campbell who hails originally from Greenock. David is the Regional leader for the Metropolitan regions and a member of Elim's national leadership team.

The church is pastored by Ian Campbell, David's twin brother, pictured above with his wife Beth. Marilyn and I know many of the congregation from the days when I was the Regional Superintendent for Scotland and it was good for us to visit the church on the occasion of their tenth anniversary.

The Saturday was a meal for the whole church in a top local hotel and was attended by the Regional leader for Scotland, Kevin Peat and his wife Margaret. On the Sunday I ministered at the Waterfront centre.

I have the highest admiration for Ian and Beth. Ian has a responsible secular job that involves him travelling world-wide. He has received no salary from church in the decade since the church was planted but leads with the level of commitment of any full-time minister. Elim is indebted to bi-vocational pastors who are willing to plant new congregations.

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