Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Swansea City Temple

Hundreds of people packed the church in both the morning and evening services which celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Swansea church. Senior minister Michael Williams gave tribute to those who had contributed to the growth and development of the church over the past eight decades - both ministers and members alike. If it is true that 'a church that honours its past has a fruitful future' then there are great days ahead for Elim in Swansea. A much fuller report of the celebrations will feature in Direction shortly. I was the final speaker after a month of special ministry that has taken place. One of the most moving moments was the tribute paid to an 89 year old member who had given his life to Christ as a nine year-old in the opening meetings held by George Jeffries and who was still serving God today. Joel Pridmore, resident worship leader, led the music ministry powerfully and sensitively. I have preached in Swansea on several occasions over the years and it is a church that has been blessed by a succession of the best of our pastors. I have to say however that I have never seen it in such a strong position as it is today - both numerically and spiritually. Michael and Jill Williams (pictured) are giving phenomenal input into one of our Movement's flagship churches.

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