Friday, July 30, 2010

New NLT team

When I record my appointments on this page they refer primarily to speaking engagements. Committees, interviews and other areas of my role are rarely included.

I am making an exception on this occasion by highlighting a recent meeting of the National Leadership Team. The NLT, as it is usually known, governs the Movement between Conferences. It comprises of Regional Leaders (who each have responsibility for around 100 churches in the UK) and ministers of some of our largest churches. Every four years I am required by Conference to nominate ministers who are then ratified by a vote at our annual Bible Week.

Deciding who to nominate on this occasion was a very difficult decision as there are so many leaders within our Movement who have the calibre to be considered suitable as a member.

The NLT meet at our International centre in Malvern for three days five times a year. My reason for including the above picture is that it was taken at the first meeting of the team who were elected at Conference earlier this year and who were highlighted in the August edition of Direction.

Retiring from the team were Mike Sherwood (ten years). Barry Killick (ten years), Geoff Feasey (18 years) and Eric McComb (25 years) each once of whom have brought to the NLT their own distinctive contribution which, in every case has been a valuable asset to our Movement.

Any change in a team brings with it a new dynamic. The first meeting of the new NLT was one of the best I can ever remember and there was an immediate sense of 'oneness' and unity that augurs very well for the days that lie ahead. It is a delight to work alongside leaders such as these.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A team with 100% devoted for Kingdom of God! "MEN IN GOD"