Monday, June 11, 2012

Ministers Fellowship Europe

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         Ministers Fellowship International was  founded many years ago by Dick Iverson and thirteen years ago MF (Europe) was commenced under the leadership of Colin Cooper (pictured) - senior minister of the 800 strong Huddersfield Christian Fellowship who has brought dynamic leadership to the group.
Every year this group, dedicated to the encouragement and support of pastors and leaders,  holds a Conference in a different location throughout Europe.  The 2012 venue was in a top hotel in Athens, Greece.  I considered it an honour to be invited to speak on four occasions during the four days.  The Conference took time to especially honour its founder Dick Iverson who now is 82 years of age but who has lost nothing of his fatherly heart for leaders.

1 comment:

Chris Mercer said...

that is just so wonderful, and encouraging to see pioneers as my song says " Where have all the good men gone" ( Cold WInd )